

VisionLink is a secure web-based application available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A common internet connection and web browser are all that is needed to access all features and telematics data transmitted from your equipment.

  • Event and diagnostic codes, hours, fuel and idle time, start and stop time reporting
  • Connects to Parts.Cat.Com for online parts ordering
  • Connects to S•O•SSM Services for fluid analysis results
  • Transmissions via cell or satellite
  • View 24 hours a day 7 days a week on any device
  • Event and diagnostic codes, hours, fuel and idle time, start and stop time reporting


  • Manage inefficient use, maintenance, health and more
  • Efficiently identify and execute on maintenance needs
  • Identify harsh operation of other maintenance needs that can degrade component life
  • Extend component lives by proactively managing health and maintenance needs
  • Manage working vs. idle time and fuel usage


  • 980H with average fuel use, idle time and fuel costs
  • Reduce fuel use by 2% = $720 fuel cost savings annually

Contact Quinn’s Cat Technology Manager at or call 844.228.2382 to learn more about VisionLink®.

For information regarding Caterpillar’s Data Governance and information sharing policies in regards to equipment information collected from Cat Technology customers relating to machines, products or other assets and their associated worksites, please click here.

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